A one-day virtual event Friday, 7 October 2022
Updates, 14 September: Join the New England chapter of the STC for education and networking at InterChange, our annual regional conference for technical communication professionals. Join us for a full day of multi-track information and education sessions. You can attend from anywhere!
InterChange features sessions chosen to sharpen your technical skills, stay current with new technology and its impact on our field, and enhance your career with a variety of professional development topics. Throughout the event, you’ll have the opportunity to network with other tech comm professionals to share ideas and build your personal network.
Our Keynoter

This year’s keynote speaker is Jack Molisani. Jack’s subject is, “Taking Charge of Your Post-Pandemic Career.”
Jack was a project officer in the Space Division of the United States Air Force before starting ProSpring Technical Staffing, an employment agency specializing in engineers, project managers, and technical writers and other content professionals.
Jack has a degree in Computer Engineering from Tulane University in New Orleans, is a Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication, and is the author of Be the Captain of Your Career: A New Approach to Career Planning and Advancement, which made Amazon’s top 10 career and resume bestseller list.
Jack also produces The LavaCon Conference on Content Strategy and Technical Communication Management, a yearly conference founded in 2002 to help companies increase revenue and decrease costs by solving content-related business problems.
New: Our Closing Session
“Tech comm challenges and opportunities: what do you think?” Luminaries Ann Wiley, John Garison, Christina Mayr, and Jamye Sagan will lead an open discussion of what people are most concerned about now and where they see us going in the future in tech comm.

Ann L. Wiley is a 39-year member of STC and the Rochester Chapter. Ann founded the Quality SIG in 1991 and has managed several other SIGs. She has been President of the Central New York chapter of STC and served as Spectrum conference manager for the Rochester Chapter three times. Ann has been editor of the ProofSheet newsletter of the Rochester Chapter for many terms since 1989. Ann has an MSLS and Ph.D. in instructional development, both from Syracuse. She is President of Ann L. Wiley Consultants Inc. and has completed projects in lean and focused documentation. Enterprise content management, process development, and communications. She is now focusing on docs as code. Ann is a Fellow of STC.
Conference Information
This year we are pleased to have ProSpring Technical Staffing as a sponsor. ProSpring specializes in engineering and content professionals (content strategists, technical writers, content engineers, etc.). The ProSpring mission: to match highly-qualified candidates with innovative organizations so both are happy with the result.
We always need sponsors for InterChange. Sponsorship creates a presence for your company at the conference, in the InterChange program, and on our website and other chapter materials. Such a presence can include representatives and speakers at the conference, as well as co-marketing your company and products to technical communicators in the New England region.
Need more information?
For more information, email Interchange@stcnewengland.org