I’m not used to a Sunday without a local rooting interest in football at this time of year. But I can take the time to catch up on Chapter business. We have some catching up to do.
First, Jen Bergus-Sesay, our vice president, is unable to continue in that role. We’re sorry to see her go and we wish her well, but her departure creates issues going forward. A healthy chapter needs volunteers, starting with the leadership team, and right now we’re not in a healthy place. Check out our volunteering page, and if you can contribute to the Chapter’s ongoing success, please—let’s talk.
For those of you who tried and failed to reach the website recently, I apologize. A certificate issue knocked us off the internet for several weeks. This has set us back in announcing and publicizing several events. If you don’t see something on our website, you can always check our Twitter feed, @STCNewEngland, or our Facebook page, STC New England.
One setback was the call for presenters for InterChange in April. To make up for it, we have extended the deadline to 31 January. If you have an idea for a presentation or workshop, we still want to hear from you! Post your proposal here.
Our January social event, dinner and word games at Bamboo Restaurant in Bedford, MA, was fun. In February our program is a collaboration with the Boston DITA User’s Group. A panel of experts will discuss migrating to DITA, a topic more than a few of us face. We will meet at Blue Snap in Waltham on 12 February at 6:30 pm. The program is free, but please register in advance.
Finally, if you haven’t renewed your STC and Chapter membership, please go to STC.org and attend to it.
Monday awaits. I hope to see you at a Chapter event soon!