Our first program of the Chapter year is by Neil Perlin, offered as a joint virtual presentation with the Philadelphia Metro Chapter, on 9 October 2019 at 7:00 pm Eastern time.
About the Program
Neil’s presentation is titled: “From RoboCop and HLMT to the Future – Don’t Repeat Past Mistakes.” New technologies like Information 4.0 will revolutionize tech comm, just as online help and the web did. And, as with online help and the web, there will be bumps on the way. Exploring those bumps and how to avoid them for new technologies is the focus of his presentation.
The presentation will identify categories of problems – managerial, strategic, definition, process, and technical – and illustrate them with examples like “RoboCop,” “HLMT,” “WebHelp or Web Help,” and others. Neil will then look at how these problems might recur under new technologies and how to avoid them. The goal? Don’t repeat past mistakes while moving into the future.
Ticket Information
Tickets are available from Eventbrite. Tickets are $10 for STC New England or STC PMC members, $5 for students, and $15 for others.
About the Speaker
Neil Perlin is an internationally known online content consultant for companies ranging from startups to Fortune 100 corporations. He created and ran the “Bleeding Edge” at the STC Summits for 15 years and has been a popular speaker at STC conferences, Lavacon, MadWorld, TCUK, and others, since 1992. He is the author of eight books on computing and three courses on Flare and RoboHelp for Lynda.com. He writes the Beyond the Bleeding Edge technology blog.
Neil is MadCap-certified in Flare and Mimic, Adobe-certified in RoboHelp, and Viziapps-certified for the Viziapps Studio app development platform. He offers training, consulting, and development for online help, mobile apps, mobile readiness, CSS development and troubleshooting, and related areas through Hyper/Word Services.
In his spare time, he designs and builds telescopes, cooks southern BBQ, and uses simulators to relive a lost career as a U.S. Navy carrier pilot.
His web site is hyperword.com. You can contact him at nperlin@nperlin.cnc.net.