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Website Q&A – New England Chapter

Website Q&A

The migration of our website is complete. We have tried to anticipate your questions below.

—Steve Jong

What happened? Why did you move to a new website host?

We were paying one vendor for our membership database, contact management, and website domain hosting; another vendor for a separate hosting service for the News website; and a third for domain registration. By moving to a subdomain hosted by STC’s vendor, we realize significant cost savings, as well as a reduced need for volunteer effort to maintain the site.

How do I log into the new STC New England web site?

You don’t have to! All of the content is available to the public.

Then what do I get by being a chapter member?

These services were available for logged-in members, and we are now using other services, or will be (watch for updates), to provide value to chapter members:

  • Job bank: The old web site had a job bank where employers could post openings for STC-NE members. We will be using a closed LinkedIn group to manage those posts.
  • Member directory: Instead of a New England directory, STC members can access a society directory available through Instructions:
  • Forum: We had one, but judging from usage it never really gained traction. Watch for news of a chapter Slack workspace.

And of course, chapter members receive other benefits, including free or special rates for chapter programs—that doesn’t change.

Why do these emails look different?

We used to manage emails through our old web host, but now we’re using MailChimp. We can still segment mail for members, event attendees, and so on, so you can receive just what’s appropriate.

What’s new on the website?

Right now, we mostly have a new look, navigation, etc. But we’ve added our first of a series of member profiles and have plans to keep rolling out new and relevant content.

Is anything removed from the website?

As mentioned above (“Then what do I get by being a chapter member”), the separate login has been removed and member services are or will be available via other secure channels.

What happened to the News website?

We were paying a separate domain hosting service for the News website, and a survey revealed low readership. We expect to include such content with the main site. We’re always looking for content! If you’d like to contribute to the effort, please contact us at

There’s something broken on the website. Who do I contact?

Some pages may have gotten a little battered in the conversion from the old web site. If you spot broken links, bugs, typos, and so on, report them to

How can I help improve the website?

We would love to make our website the best in the Society. That takes ideas, time, and energy. Please feel free to contribute ideas even if you can’t commit to seeing them through — or volunteer to help even if you don’t have any specific ideas! If you’d like to contribute to the effort, please get in touch with