The Prez Says, July 2019

Steve Jong

Normally the summer months are quiet for the Chapter, but I have two announcements to pass on to you: the election results and our impending switch to a new website.

Election results

During the last week of June, Chapter members voted for a new Administrative Council. I am pleased to announce the election results:

  • Sharon Metzger has been elected Secretary, replacing Steve Greffenius. She was previously a Council member at large.
  • Lori Gillen has been elected Treasurer, replacing Jason Dickey. Lori previously served the Boston Chapter as Treasurer, so we welcome her back.
  • Cathy Putnam has been elected Council member at large. Cathy previously was an InterChange volunteer, and we welcome her to the Council.

The full 2019-2020 Council is:

  • Immediate Past President: Open
  • President: Steve Jong
  • Vice President: Jen Bergus-Sesay
  • Secretary: Sharon Metzger
  • Treasurer: Lori Gillen
  • Council member at large: Cathy Putnam

Congratulations to Sharon, Lori, and Cathy, and thank you Steve, Jason, and Sharon for your service!


We are almost ready to roll out our new web site. This redesign reflects a change from our current web hosting service to a subdomain on, which will be less expensive and easier to maintain. We will send out a general announcement just before we make the change, and another shortly afterward to welcome you to our new Web home.

In fact, this should be the last column from me on the old web site. I’ve enjoyed the chance to communicate with you here, and I can’t wait to settle into our new digs!